
Hello there!!! A big welcome to my blog!!!

You may think that my name is Nori. But it’s not. For now, please do call me Nori and stay tuned for the story behind it all!

Well, I can give you a long description of who I am and narrate my story. But hey, that’s no fun.  Instead, I am going to leave bits and pieces of my story on the posts to follow. Plus, after being an avid practitioner of mindfulness and a follower of the Buddhist philosophy, I am striving for non- identity, a non-egoic existence. So I’d rather leave the description wide open, to be written in the future only if it may seem helpful for others, or never at all.



:: About The Blog ::


To inspire and cultivate holistic habits that leads you to living life fully, with a joyful heart and a playful spirit.


ETC BY NORi is about finding joy and happiness through mindfulness, holistic habits and various holistic healing techniques. It is about personal growth, overcoming obstacles, soul searching, getting in touch with our inner being-ness and seeing our truly unique selves.

If you have tried to achieve something you might feel is far from your reach, you know how mind and ego comes in to play to remind you why your dream is not achievable. At times like that, we can get our mind to let go of the limiting beliefs. This blog is dedicated to sharing self-development tools needed to give the subconscious mind  just the boost it needs to reach its highest potential.  To achieve your dreams and goals and also live life with a sense of joy and fulfillment.

Contentment and joy lies in understanding our core values, striking a balance between ambition and spirituality, and continually working on mind, body, and psychological wellness. So please, join me on the journey! Let’s create holistic habits that leads to living life fully, with a joyful heart and a playful spirit!

Lots of love, xo



:: NORi’s Story – Un-narrated ::


:: Get To Know Me & Stay In Touch ::